ASSESSORS MEETING MINUTES

                                                            JULY 12, 2012


10:00 A.M.      Called meeting to order. Present: Paula Keefe, Richard B. Gorden and

                        Mark J. Mazur.


1.                  The Board took the following actions on fiscal year 2013 applications for

Exemption for the owners of the following parcels:

                        Parcel # 39-32-2  Clause 41A   Granted

                        Parcel # 53-5       Clause 41A   Granted

                        Parcel # 120-15   Clause 41A   Granted

                        Parcel # 96-4       Clause 41A   Granted

                        Parcel # 84-62     Clause 41A   Granted

                        Parcel # 94-2       Clause 41C   Granted

                        Parcel # 39-32-2  Clause 41C   Granted

                        Parcel # 120-15    Clause 41C  Granted

                        Parcel # 102-121  Clause 41C   Granted

                        Parcel # 59-9        Clause 41C   Granted

                        Parcel # 111-7      Clause 41C   Granted

                        Parcel # 53-5        Clause 17D   Granted

                        Parcel # 59-15      Clause 17D   Granted

                        Parcel # 103-36    Clause 17D   Granted

                        Parcel # 122-16-42 Clause 17D  Granted


2.                  The Board read a notice from the State Department of Revenue granting

the Board authority to abate a fiscal year 2012 personal property account.


3.                  The Board granted a fiscal year 2012 personal property abatement as

authorized by the State Department of Revenue.


4.                  The Board granted a fiscal year 2013 Preliminary Tax Adjustment under

M.G.L. Chapter 59 Section 57C for a personal property account.


5.                  The Administrative Assessor described his 7/9/12 meeting with the Finance Committee to discuss the relationship between  assessment

levels and the tax rate.


6.                  The Board discussed fiscal year 2013 assessment levels and agreed to aim

for a median of approximately ninety-four percent.


7.                  The Board decided to hold their next meeting at 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, July 26, 2012.


10:57 P.M.      Adjourned